This little guy has already experienced so much in life at only eight days old, and he doesn’t even know it! He snoozed through the whole thing. In this newborn session, baby Salman dressed as one of the Mickey Mouse Disney crew, a world traveler, a bookworm, a movie director, and more-quite the Renaissance Man! This seven-pound, twenty-inch cutie dreamed his way through his very first photo shoot, and he rocked it! He was so handsome, and I had so much fun using all of the cute props and themes to showcase his precious features. Are you searching for Family Photographer DC? Nataly Danilova Photography is the best option for you.
About this session
Of course, simple, classic newborn photos always make for some wonderful timeless baby portraits, but I have to admit: I always enjoy when parents ask for all of the cute newborn themes. Once they get a little older, they can’t wear these tiny outfits anymore (and when they’re much older, they become “too cool” to do fun shoots like this). I always imagine fun-themed photos like these bringing color and life to a drab hallway or adding cute, joyful décor to nursery walls. Surprisingly, themed photos are more versatile than people think. They’re great for birth announcements, seasonal or holiday cards, fun newborn albums, and more! When they become toddlers and preschoolers, the whimsical themes always make them giggle. They think it’s amazing to see a baby dressed as a little bear or sleeping soundly in the bend of a quarter moon with twinkling stars shining all around.
I love how the little outfits really highlight the miniature perfection of their newborn features. For instance, in the bookworm portrait, the tiny glasses frame his sleepy eyes and balance on his adorable button nose. He looks so pensive with his little fingers cupping his face. I can’t imagine anything cuter! And just look at those tiny houndstooth pants and matching cabbie cap! He would win every game of “Who Wore it Best.” I had an amazing time capturing the many styles of baby Salman. He is such a sweetie, I wish he could grace my lens every day!
Are you expecting and have a vision in mind for newborn photos? Did one of these themes inspire you? Trying to create images that coordinate with Baby’s nursery? I’d love to help you out! I specialize in newborn portraiture, offering a variety of creative themes as well as classic backdrops. Please reach out, and let me know what you have in mind! Are you searching for Baby Photographer DC? Nataly Danilova Photography is the most reputed company that leading the pride.