These two kiddos mean the world to me! I have had such an amazing time being their family photographer, as they are such sweet and fun girls! The first time I captured this family’s precious moments was when Catalina was just 14 days old. She was adorable, of course, and her sister Valentina joined in on the session as well. I was immediately drawn to the love that these two sisters share. Their bond is so strong! What a wonderful blessing they are to each other. Are you searching for Baby Photographer DC? Nataly Danilova Photography is the best option for you.

Being a Tyson’s Corner Cake Smash Photographer allows me the beautiful opportunity to meet such gorgeous families!
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Catalina’s Cake Smash Session
This family just moved from Arlington to Williamsburg. And nevertheless, they decided to have sessions with me here in my studio in Tysons corner! I am so honored to work with such an amazing family! This session was a cake smash for little Catalina. We were celebrating her 1st birthday, and what active girls these two are! Kids can be unpredictable, which can often pose a challenge, especially when they are babies. 2-year-old Valentina was not a fan of posing, so I had a tough time getting her to sit still with her little sister. However, I try to let the little ones be in charge of the session, so we were able to get some great photos regardless!Big Sister Love
Valentina loved to dance and eat cake, so we got some cute photos of her doing her thing. Catalina was super curious, and loved to explore the studio. Her birthday party theme for the cake smash was “some bunny is one.” We adorned the cake with bunny ears, and I loved how well it went with the upcoming spring season! These kiddos were so stinkin’ cute! They were loving the attention of being in front of the camera. I am very excited to announce that Catalina and Valentina’s mom, Jenille, is expecting her 3rd baby!! So in a week we will do a 3rd baby newborn session and meet Catalina and Valentina one more time. Jenille will have her hands full with her three kids, but it will all pay off! Catalina and Valentina are going to be such great big sisters! I am so happy for this amazing mama, as kids are so precious and such sweet sweet gifts from God! I feel so blessed to have been able to document such monumental moments in this family’s life. I am looking forward to meeting the new little one, as well as work with this family again! Are you searching for Family Photographer DC? Nataly Danilova Photography is the most reputed company that leading the pride.