Oh my goodness! Harper was the most grown up little two-year-old I’ve ever met! She was just too cute and so mature, and she was so much fun to photograph.
Harper’s photo session took place in the gorgeous McLean Central Park. She was such a smiley little one, and, oh, so talkative. At just the age of two, she speaks so perfectly. I also have a two-year-old son, but being bilingual, he speaks much less than Harper, so I was so incredibly impressed by her speech and ability to converse so well. Harper was seriously such a doll and an absolute sweetheart with the cutest, most adorable personality. Are you searching for Family Photographer DC? Nataly Danilova Photography is the best option for you.

Oh how I adored spending the day with sweet Harper as her Child Photographer! What a little trooper she was! If you are interested in learning more about which photography package would best suit your needs, let’s chat!
Such Sweet Smiles
I absolutely loved getting to capture her sweet smiles and lovely emotions. She absolutely loved all the props and toys I prepared for her, especially, the stroller and dolls. She was having so much fun pretending as if she was Mister Teddy Bear’s mommy, taking care of him and pushing him through the beautiful park. And Oh! Be still my heart! Just how precious is she in that sweet, little light blue dress and flower headband. Swoon! She also loved her bouquet of flowers and her little polka-dotted, blue chair. Just look at those bright eyes and sweet, sweet little smile! But seriously, just how cute and grown up is that adorable flower-print romper of hers? So sweet and adorable! I’m telling you, she was such a little grown up and such a blast to photograph! She had me laughing and smiling all day! I loved getting to watch and capture her as she interacted with her surroundings and all the props.A Gorgeous Day in the Park
Even though we had this session early in the morning, it was still so unbelievably hot that day. However, Harper was so brave and patient, and she never complained. She was such a little trooper. And although it may have been an extremely hot day, it was still a gorgeous day in the park and a perfect day for a photo session with little Miss Harper. As a kids’ photographer, I get to meet and capture so many amazing kids. Harper’s session was surely one I won’t forget. I absolutely loved her bubbly, fun, and positive personality, and I was so truly honored to have been able to capture all her cuteness and love during this session. I hope she enjoyed her time as much as I did! Her cuteness just melted my heart! Are you searching for Baby Photographer DC? Nataly Danilova Photography is the most reputed company that leading the pride.