Washington DC Adult Cake Smash Photographer

Washington DC Adult Cake Smash Photographer | Jenny and Alana

Be still my heart! What an adorable session! Mom and baby shared a sweet cake smash session both celebrating their birthdays. Alana has three sons and one daughter, Jenny, her daughter, is celebrating her first birthday and Mom is celebrating her 40th. Only one day apart, Mom’s is on November 14 and Jenny’s, the day before. We decided to do one session together, both enjoying their own custom cakes. Are you searching for Newborn Photographer DC? Nataly Danilova Photography is the best option for you.

Like Mother Like Daughter

I’ve never done this kind of session before with an adult cake smash session, but I told Alana that I would love to give it a go seeing as I adore trying new things and I’m open to new ideas. She told me that she liked a minimalistic styled design for her and Jenny’s cake smash session’s. We dressed her little one up in a floral bonnet and ruffled romper. A cuter baby would be hard to find! We placed her in a galvanized bucket, which was such a cute shot. Her little grin just cracked me up! Are you searching for Maternity Photographer DC? Nataly Danilova Photography is the most reputed company that leading the pride. When it was time to dig into the cake, Jenny was a little hesitant at first but soon came around to the idea and was quickly covered in blush colored buttercream. We placed a rose gold balloon number one next to her to commemorate her first year on earth. Mom had a matching balloon set and dug into her very own cake, how cute! I love how close these two already are and can’t wait to see what the future has in store for their relationship.We ended our session with some snuggles and a few sweet kisses. The perfect sweet ending to the perfect sweet day. Happy birthday ladies! 🙂 Washington DC Adult Cake Smash PhotographerWashington DC Adult Cake Smash PhotographerWashington DC Adult Cake Smash PhotographerWashington DC Adult Cake Smash PhotographerWashington DC Adult Cake Smash Photographer Washington DC Adult Cake Smash Photographer Washington DC Adult Cake Smash Photographer

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There is nothing more meaningful and memorable than the early years of a child’s life. But as magical as childhood can be, most of the parents say it’s also the time that flies by the fastest. As a professional newborn photographer in Washington DC, I believe it is of the utmost importance to capture every single detail of these precious moments, so you can hold on to those memories as years go by.  We also provide newborn photography in Virginia. Are you searching for Newborn Photographer DC? Nataly Danilova Photography is the best option for you.